Devotion for Monday in Lent 4

Luke 12:35-59

“Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky at morning, sailor, take warning.”

You can read the sky and tell the weather, why can’t you see the kingdom of God as it approaches?

Jesus came in order to bring with Him the kingdom of God.  The kingdom of God looks like what Mary and Zechariah sang about.  It looks very different than the status quo and it will come when you least expect it.  It has already come, to a large extent, with Jesus’ ministry.  But we still await its fullness.

People confuse the kingdom of God with quite a lot.  Ministers can confuse it with their ministries.  Congregations can confuse it with their work (good) with their busyness (not so good).  Individuals can confuse the kingdom of God with something that will only be a reality on the other side of eternity and they miss out on so much that God has in store for us already.

Stay dressed and ready for action.  Sleep with one ear tuned to the door.  The kingdom is coming, one day, in its fullness.  But could it also come in unexpected, albeit less easily identifiable ways today?

Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear and give strength to the work of our hands that we might be ready when the last day comes and until then, be ever faithful.  Amen.

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